
$ container-transform -h
Usage: container-transform [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE]

  container-transform is a small utility to transform various docker
  container formats to one another.

  Default input type is compose, default output type is ECS

  Default is to read from STDIN if no INPUT_FILE is provided

  All options may be set by environment variables with the prefix "CT_"
  followed by the full argument name.

  -i, --input-type [ecs|compose|marathon]
  -o, --output-type [ecs|compose|systemd|marathon]
  -v, --verbose / --no-verbose    Expand/minify json output
  -q, --quiet                     Silence error messages
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Docker Compose Format

Docker Compose Documentation

Systemd Service Units

Systemd Unit Configuration

Marathon Applications

When consuming Marathon input, container-transform supports:

  • A single Marathon application
  • Content from the Marathon Group API
  • A JSON array of Marathon application objects

When emitting Marathon output, container-transform will emit a list of applications if there is more than one. Otherwise, it will emit a single application.

Marathon Application Basics & Marathon API docs